Adrian Shikuku joined Shell Foundation in January 2024 as Business Development Adviser on our Smallholder Farmer theme, where he focuses on unlocking initiatives that increase the incomes of smallholder farmers across Sub-Saharan Africa.
Prior to joining SF, Adrian was a Senior Consultant at EY in the Development Consulting field, focused on supporting international development organisations such as World Bank, IFC, USAID and GIZ on their regional initiatives in East Africa’s agriculture sector. He has supported Mastercard Foundation, USADF and AfroFuture Tech on providing business advisory support to African-owned businesses. He also previously worked with organisations based in East Africa such as Twiga Foods, Heifer international, Kilimo Trust, One Acre Fund, Horizon Sopyrwa and Family bank on feasibility studies, value chain assessments and corporate strategies.
Adrian holds a first degree in Informatics and Computer Science from Strathmore University and has served as an external judge for two cohorts of Stanbic Kenya Foundation’s “Accelerate your Business” programme.