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Current funding trends for health facility electrification is widening the investment gap

A comprehensive health facility electrification (HFE) report has been published, which highlights the total investment and the subsequent investment gap needed to sustainably electrify health facilities across seven countries in the Global South.

Partnerships, strategy, and support

In a collaborative project supported by Shell Foundation with UK Aid though the Transforming Energy Access (TEA) platform, Power Africa and Sustainable Energy for All (SEforAll), and managed by Odyssey Energy Solutions, the Health Facility Electrification Capital Landscape report mapped out the landscape of capital for HFE in Democratic Republic of Congo, India, Kenya, Malawi, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, and Zambia.

CrossBoundary and KOIS were engaged to map the capital landscape for HFE and design financial interventions to de-risk investment.Page from the report about de-risking mechanism and Shell Foundation's role

The next seven years

While this report outlines the US$175–250m of total investment in HFE over the last seven years, with approximately 95% coming from capital grants from donors, it emphasises that the cost of sustainably electrifying these facilities in the seven countries is approximately US$2.6 billion.

If the current investment trend continues for the next seven years, there will be at least a US$2.35 billion investment gap by 2030.

Read the full report